Men and women ages 24-35 approve of the fancy map of the Denver dive bar world that I just added to the bottom of the blog.
It seems counterintuitive that a dive bar blog is going high tech. High tech is a reason to disqualify an establishment from dive bar status. Is "High Tech Dive Bar" an oxymoron?
I decided long ago that the monotony of my daily routines weren't going to cut it long term. Sure, I still float through with some routine (wake up, shower, shave, clothes, hair, dog, food, boy), but I try to bust out whenever possible. Shake things up a bit. I'm not talking about anything transcendental, or finding Jesus or any nonsense like that, just exploring my surroundings a little bit and jumping out of the comfort of the routine. That's where dives come in. Denver is full of them. Places you can go that get your senses humming and make you feel maybe a little uncomfortable. There's that bar that serves a mean pizza and sits across from the holding facility for the county jail. There's that restaurant where you can order up a Head taco, if you can scrape together a little Spanish. When you see these places, you usually find yourself thinking, 'Who goes there?'. I do.
It seems counterintuitive that a dive bar blog is going high tech. High tech is a reason to disqualify an establishment from dive bar status. Is "High Tech Dive Bar" an oxymoron?
I view the Dive Map as a public service, something to give direction to the directionless, as dive patrons often are.
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